
21Publish - Cooperative Publishing

Looking for a beta? Want to be a beta?  Well, obviously you know what you're doing if you came here for that.

According to what you're looking for, find the corresponding form below and email me HERE, so that I can put your little 'ad' up here for others to see.  If there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to comment this post to do so.  

Please email any changes to your form (such as rating changes, title changes, status changes) to me, so that I can change it correspondingly.  In doing so, remember to give me your account name so I know which entry to change.  Also, if you were looking for a beta but found one (and need your beta request taken down), email me to tell me that as well.  If you were offering to be a beta, and have found something to beta, and would like me to take your ad down, or just no longer want to beta, email me so that I can remove your entry.

If you're LOOKING for a beta:

Account name:
Title of Fanfic:
Fanfic Rating:
Fanfic Summary:
Fanfic Fandom:
: (Looking for someone to beta something in specific, like only characterization and story development? Make sure to specify that here so that others know.)
Fanfic Status:
How To Contact:  (If anyone's interested in betaing your fanfic, this is how they contact you).

If you WANT to be a beta:

Account name:
Fandoms You Are Willing To Beta
: (FullMetal Alchemist, Naruto, DN Angel?)
Ratings You Will Beta: (Are you unwilling to beta anything above PG13? R?)
Genres You Will Beta:  (Will you only beta romance? Action?)
Other Specifications: (How quickly you can get done, when you are available for betaing, etc.)
How To Contact: (So if anyone is interested, they can contact you.)